Community Involvement
We are dedicated to countering the stigma of substance use disorders and believe that being involved in our community helps spread awareness and fight biases.
Community Involvement at Royal Life Centers
Royal Life Centers welcomes each opportunity to maintain our active involvement in our local communities. We believe an important part of recovery is helping others. One way we give back is by helping members of the community who are in need of treatment services.
Community involvement at Royal Life Centers includes:
- Street adoptions
- Road cleanups
- Care package handouts
- Treatment scholarships
Street Adoptions
Road Cleanups and Community Service
We also have supported our communities through litter cleanup and other acts of community service.
Care Packages for Homeless Communities
In 2021, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the 2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report. Within the report, HUD reported more than 326,000 people experienced sheltered homelessness in the U.S. in 2021. While the number is actually an eight-percent decrease from 2020, it is still far too high.
For this reason, we hand out care packages to the homeless living in our communities as often as possible. Our staff and guests fill the bags with food, water, toiletries, socks, a blanket, and a poncho. The outside of each care package comes with an inscription of the name of a guest who has passed away from addiction. In doing, so the Elliot bag becomes that guest’s gift to those who are actively struggling with the impacts of addiction. Our Elliot Bag project extends into Royal’s treatment scholarship program, as we offer free addiction treatment to the homeless population who receive our bags.
Our Elliot Bags
At Royal Life Centers, our care packages are called “The Elliot Bag.” Named for an individual who lost his life to addiction, our Elliot bags provide hope for others struggling with the same affliction.
Upon Elliot’s untimely passing, his mother felt a sense of responsibility and purpose to help others. She vowed to lovingly fill bags with everyday essentials and distribute them to the homeless. Upon hearing about her service to the community, Royal Life Centers began the “The Elliot Bag” program, which offers treatment scholarships to recipients of these bags.

We Have Given Out Over 8,500 Elliot Bags and Continue To Through Our Scheduled Outings
Because We Care, we are committed to lessening the impact of substance abuse and addiction.
Royal's Treatment Scholarship Program
Substance abuse is a problem amongst the homeless population. Many people who are homeless have some kind of substance use disorder and little or no access to treatment. The Department of Housing and Urban Development found that nearly half of homeless shelters or on the street report chronic substance abuse. We believe that everyone, regardless of their situation, deserves the best addiction treatment. For this reason, we offer the finest detox, inpatient, and outpatient programming to anyone who needs it.
For this reason, each time we hand out an Elliot bag, we offer a free treatment scholarship to the individuals within our local communities. While handing out the bags in the community, we form connections with homeless individuals who are willing to enter treatment and begin their recovery.
Each time a scholarship recipient completes treatment, we provide a new individual with a scholarship. To date, our staff, guests, and alumni have passed out thousands of bags. Even more, several hundred homeless individuals have accepted our treatment scholarships. As a result, we extend our treatment services for over 100 days of comprehensive care to these individuals. This is a free scholarship program in honor of those who have lost their lives to addiction. Because We Care, we believe everyone is deserving of the best chance to overcome addiction.
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