The Stages of Recovery
Recovery is a complex and often a challenging process that involves stages. At Royal Life Centers, we believe in providing comprehensive support through our full continuum of care. Our addiction treatment programs are designed to help individuals progress through those stages while offering seamless transitions throughout the stages of recovery.
We understand that each guest’s experience with addiction is unique and strive to provide individualized care in a knowledgeable and compassionate environment. At Royal Life Centers, we believe everyone should have access to quality addiction treatment and recovery services. We are committed to helping you break free from the cycle of addiction at every level of care and each stage of recovery.

Addiction and the Stages of Recovery
An addiction to substances like drugs or alcohol can happen to anyone. Nobody ever picked up their first drink, or had their first puff on a joint and thought “hey, I hope this ruins my life one day.”
Substance abuse often starts with misguided intentions. Many addictive patterns often start in a person’s younger years. That being said, others can develop an addiction later in life. Regardless of when an addiction begins to develop, the circumstances surrounding who, what, when, or where ultimately don’t affect the inevitable outcome of a debilitating addiction. Not only that, but addiction can happen to anyone, regardless of the reasons that began the pattern of substance abuse.
Before recovery, denial is incredibly common in people struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction. Sometimes others will be able to identify an addiction, long before the person with the addiction will. Other times, someone with an addiction will take the initiative and seek the help they need.
What Are The Stages of Recovery?
Once someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol it can be a challenging process to stop using, and ultimately stay sober. Everyone is different and circumstances that motivate someone to finally admit they have a problem will vary.
The stages of recovery provide a framework to understand the process and motivate an individual toward sobriety. It is important to remember that individuals may not go through these stages in order. For instance, people may move between stages without completing one before moving to the next.
Additionally, relapse can take place at any recovery point. While relapse can be an emotionally-charged experience, it does not need to impede your progress. With the proper support and treatment, you can achieve and sustain your sobriety and live a healthy lifestyle.
The 5 stages of recovery include:
- Pre-contemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
In general, the willingness to enter treatment and start progressing through the stages of recovery, or the five stages of change. This recovery model can be useful in helping professionals and families to understand an addict’s motivation for change.
1. Pre-contemplation
During phase one, people are completely uninterested in seeking help for their addiction. Rationalization and defensiveness come up quickly when challenged about their illness. It can be very difficult to help someone in this phase, as they are likely opposed to any form of help. The best way of helping someone in this phase is to try and make them more aware of the consequences and potential consequences of their addiction. Spewing recovery information to someone at this stage is probably less than helpful.
2. Contemplation
This is when someone becomes aware of the consequences of their addiction and starts to spend time thinking about it. Although more aware of their addiction, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are willing to make a change just yet. Asking for recovery information may bring you to this point with yourself or a loved one; you could have all of the education or resources needed, but if you or your loved one are not willing to make a change yet—there is not much you can do to convince a loved one. Willingness is key.
3. Preparation
Stage three is when you decide to make a change in your life. This is the time when researching different treatment options will take place. Frequently, people will skip this phase and go directly to the action step. However, it’s important to take time during this phase as these decisions could potentially be a matter of life or death.
4. Action
At stage four a person has decided that they firmly believe in themselves and their ability to change. They take active involvement in whatever treatment strategy they have chosen to follow. Therapy, 12-step meetings, education, and other methods are the top priorities for recovery.
5. Maintenance
This stage is all about continuing the progress that began in the action stage. For recovery to be long-term this stage is crucial. What happens all too often is people become complacent or forget their initial motivation to become sober. Recovery is truly an ongoing life-long process.
What Do the Stages of Recovery Look Like in Practice?
As substance abuse begins, you may not be aware of your addiction and the consequences it causes. During this period, you may deny that a problem even exists and may be in complete denial of the severity of your situation. Once you begin to recognize that there is a problem with drugs and alcohol, you can begin to think of ways to solve it. As time passes, you may seek out help and make plans to enter treatment.
Seeking help in a comprehensive addiction treatment program can help you once you have the will to recover. This is because treatment for substance abuse provides you with the opportunity to actively participate in your recovery from addiction. Throughout treatment, you will recieve life-saving medical care, attend counseling sessions, and join support groups.
After successfully completing treatment, you will enter the recovery maintenance by practicing relapse prevention strategies and working on maintaining your sobriety. This process can be done with the help of a sponsor, attending support groups, and participating in sober activities.
Working Through the Stages of Recovery
at Royal Life Centers
Royal Life Centers’ addiction treatment network offers a full continuum of care-based recovery programs that provide holistic, evidence-based therapy and firsthand support throughout each person’s stages of recovery. We understand that overcoming addiction is an individualized journey, so we strive to create a comfortable and safe environment in every stage of the process.
Additionally, we create an individualized treatment plan for each guest to address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs in recovery. Within these plans, our clinical team will focus on nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction techniques. Throughout treatment, guests and their counselor will collaborate to develop healthier ways of coping with triggers and maintaining sobriety.
As guests progress through each step of recovery, our team works with them as they transition through programs. These programs include medical detox, residential rehab, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient treatment at different stages within the program. With experience and knowledge, our compassionate staff assists guests in cultivating lifestyle changes designed to have a lasting impact in the future.
Making Your Recovery Last
Recovery from substance abuse is not something that happens overnight—it is an ongoing process and not a destination that requires hard work and perseverance.
For this reason, people who are in recovery should make sure they have the necessary tools and resources to sustain this journey. Seeking help from professionals during all stages of the recovery process will help you to maximize your chances of achieving lasting sobriety. Developing healthy habits and practicing coping skills in treatment can help you maintain sobriety in your fulfilling life of recovery.
After treatment, maintain relationships with friends, family, and medical professionals who can provide extra support. Similarly, engaging in counseling, attending support groups, and participating in healthy, sober activities will also help you make your recovery last.
Above all, knowing that recovery is possible will keep that sense of hope alive through the good and bad times during and after treatment. With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve long-term sobriety.
Reach Out
With time and effort, it is possible to maintain sobriety from substance use disorders. You or your loved one has the power to break free from addiction and begin a life of health and wellness. If you’re ready to take the first step, contact us today for more information about our treatment programs. We are here to support you on your journey to a new life.
If you or a loved one needs help with addiction, we’re here for you. Call us with any questions or concerns you may have about our program, or anything else. Our treatment experts are available 24/7 to take your call at (877)-RECOVERY. You can start progressing through the stages of recovery and change your life today.
Change your life with one call.
You can do it, We can help.