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Category: Addiction

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Addiction and Recovery Resources

How Do I Know I Need Rehab?

So, things have gotten bad since your addiction has taken hold of you. But, you’re still not sure if they’re bad enough to enter into

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Meet Your Needs
Addiction Recovery

How To Find and Meet Your Needs

To get started on the road to recovery from addiction, it is important to learn about your own needs and how to meet them. In

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Addiction Recovery

Detox vs. Recovery

You’ll Starve If You Just Get Detoxed: You’ll Feast for Life with Recovery Detoxification is like a few small appetizers before a multicourse meal and

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Behavioral Addictions

Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gambling, pathological gambling, gambling disorder, or gambling addiction is a repetitive self-defeating behavior that is associated with similar if not the same psychosocial and

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The Gifts of Addiction Recovery

Recovery is marked by changes. Transformative changes. Basically, in recovery, you are re-learning how to live— you are building a new lifestyle that is free

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