Outpatient Treatment Program
Drug and alcohol abuse affects thousands of people across the United States. Luckily, we now have resources to provide people with the help that they need. Outpatient treatment, along with inpatient and partial hospitalization, is one of the main types of addiction recovery programs available.
Outpatient Treatment Programs Vs. Inpatient
Besides the fact that there are so many options, you must also consider the quality and level of care that each program offers. What may work for one person, doesn’t necessarily work for the next one. For example, someone who has a relatively mild addiction that hasn’t drastically impacted their life physically, emotionally, or socially, may be a prime candidate for an outpatient treatment program. Conversely, a person who is completely consumed by their addiction would most certainly not be best served in an outpatient program.
Outpatient is recommended for those who:
- Have been through an inpatient care facility before, and want to enrich their recovery
- Have an addiction that is considered “mild” without firmly rooted habits
- Have a strong sober network in place outside of treatment
- Have a good state of mind, aside from their addiction
Before agreeing to a specific addiction treatment plan, it is important to assess your addiction to determine the program best fit for you. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), there are upwards of 14,500 substance abuse treatment facilities in the United States. That means there are a lot of choices when it comes time to pick a facility.
Outpatient Treatment
Unlike an inpatient program, which has clients living under constant medical supervision, outpatient programs allow their guests to return home after therapy. This can be great for those who need to handle other responsibilities while receiving help for their addiction. Some programs offer a high level of flexibility and evening therapies that can accommodate a busy lifestyle. Other programs require more of a commitment and are considered to be intensive outpatient treatment. The program that is right for you will depend on your personal needs and circumstances. There is no one size fits all program that will work for everyone.
Outpatient Treatment Length
Outpatient treatment programs run anywhere between one and three months on average. It’s important to make a firm decision to not only attend, but participate in the program. Just showing up is a good first step, but in order to fully benefit, you’ll have to put in some work. After all, your life is on the line here. Staying connected to a therapist or support group once you complete treatment is extremely important to maintaining sobriety. A lot of guests find that continuing therapy long after drug or alcohol abuse treatment is quite helpful in maintaining their emotional wellbeing.
Outpatient Therapy Services
Outpatient treatment programs can be completely different from one another. It’s important to do some research and decide which program will best suit your needs. Most facilities have a lot of information about their therapeutic offerings on their websites, which is a great place to start. Calling them directly is also another great way to find out if they offer what you want. Remember to ask about what credentials they hold, the experience of staff, success rates, and aftercare options.
Contact Our Outpatient Treatment Program Specialists
Royal Life Centers has a flexible outpatient treatment program, designed to best accommodate the needs of our guests. We offer a wide range of therapies for guests, allowing them to custom design a program built just for them. If you or someone you know is ready to get help, we are excited to hear from you. Please call us right away at (877)-RECOVERY or (877)-732-6837 Our addiction experts are available to speak 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because We Care.
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You can do it, We can help.